Infographic Development of Jawa Timur Consumer Price Index October 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Infographic Development of Jawa Timur Consumer Price Index October 2017

Infographic Development of Jawa Timur Consumer Price Index October 2017

November 1, 2017 | Other Activities

In October 2017 Jawa Timur experienced inflation of 0.02 percent. Of the eight cities that calculated inflation, five cities experienced inflation and three deflationary cities. The highest inflation occurred in the city of Madiun which reached 0.14 percent and the lowest in the city of Malang is 0.02 percent. While the city experiencing deflation include Probolinggo 0.17 percent, Jember 0.17 percent, and Kediri 0.12 percent. East Java's calendar year inflation rate in October 2017 reached 3.07 percent, higher than the October 2016 calendar year of only 1.82 percent. While the year-on-year inflation rate (yoy) of Jawa Timur in October 2017 reached 3.99 percent, this figure is also higher than in October 2016 which only amounted to 2.74 percent.
In October 2017, from seven expenditure groups, five groups experienced inflation and two groups experienced deflation. The highest inflation expenditure group was the Education, Recreation and Sports group which reached 0.49 percent, then the Housing, Water, Electricity, Gas and Fuel Group by 0.38 percent, Food, Beverages, Tobacco and Tobacco Group by 0.10 percent, Sandang group by 0.07 percent. The deflationary group was Foodstuffs by 0.58 percent and the Transport, Communication and Financial Services group by 0.04 percent.
The three main commodities that drive inflation in October 2017 are rice, rent, and college / college fees. Decrease in rice production in some areas makes the price of rice to rise. This causes the price of rice is a weather factor where too high rainfall makes the reduction of rice supply from some regions. In addition to the commodities driving the inflation rate above, some commodities hampered inflation in October 2017. The three main commodities that inhibit inflation are onion, chicken meat and garlic. The abundant stock of onion and garlic due to the harvest simultaneously kept their prices down. The same thing happens in the price of chicken meat that fell due to the abundance of stock in the market.
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