Sports Week (POR) BPS of Jawa Timur in order to celebrate HSN 2017 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Sports Week (POR) BPS of Jawa Timur in order to celebrate HSN 2017

Sports Week (POR) BPS of Jawa Timur in order to celebrate HSN 2017

November 4, 2017 | Other Activities

In order to commemorate the National Statistics Day (HSN) 2017, BPS East Java held a Sports Week (POR) held on 3-4 November 2017 in Malang. The event was attended by BPS staff in Jawa Timur Province. The number of participants from BPS districts / cities as many as 380 people, while from the Provincial BPS as much as 40 people. The sports branches that are contested include badminton and table tennis, each of which is played in teams. Badminton branches are played by men's squads, while table tennis is played by mixed teams (sons and daughters).
In the POR, for badminton champion I won by BPS Pacitan District, second winner by BPS Nganjuk District; and 3rd Winner by BPS Pasuruan Regency. While the winner of table tennis was won by BPS Kabupaten Mojokerto; second winner by BPS of Jawa Timur Province; and the third winner by Blitar Regency BPS.

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