January 17, 2018 | BPS Activities
Sampling Area Frame Training (KSA) in Jawa
Timur Provincial BPS was held in 2 waves. Wave I dated 17-19 January 2018; and
Wave II on 20-22 January 2018. The training aims to estimate harvested area and
calculate grain production. The training was held in several places such as
Mercure Hotel, Hotel Gunawangsa, Hotel Ina Simpang, and Hotel Narita. For field
practice conducted in Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. The trainees are partners and
organic BPS Regency/Municipali in Jawa Timur.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
BPS Provinsi Jawa Timur (Statistics Jawa Timur)Jalan Raya Kendangsari Industri No. 43 - 44 Surabaya 60292
Telp. (031) 8439343
Fax (031) 8494007
Email : bps3500@bps.go.id