2018 potential village (PODES2018) data collection - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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2018 potential village (PODES2018) data collection

2018 potential village (PODES2018) data collection

April 24, 2018 | BPS Activities

The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) will hold a Village Potential (PODES2018) Data Collection of 2018 held simultaneously throughout Indonesia. Data Collection of Village Potential is the activity of the lowest administrative region census at village / sub-district, sub-district, and district / city level. Minister of Village for the Development of Underdeveloped and Transmigration Area (PDTT), Eko Putro Sandjojo in his Keynote Speech at the Village Potential Dissemination (Podes) 2018 event held in BPS on Thursday (19/4), said that Podes data is important to evaluate whether the PDTT ministry program PDTT is well targeted or not, including village poverty alleviation programs. In addition, Podes data are also used to form the Geographic Difficulties Index (IKG) which is used as one of the fundamentals of the village fund alocator

As a first step of field implementation, PODES2018 officer training is required to deliver reliable data enumerators in carrying out PODES2018 missions. Likewise with BPS East Java Province. The training of PODES2018 officers in East Java was conducted for 2 waves, 1st wave on 17 - 20 April 2018 with 947 participants and 2nd wave on 21-24 April 2018 with 880 participants. Of the total 1,827 participants are divided into 8 hotels, namely Santika Jemursari (12 classes), Ibis Style (8 classes), Fave Rungkut (8 classes), Inna Simpang (9 classes), Garden Palace (10 classes), Surabaya Suite (9 class), Cendana Premier (10 classes), and Fave Max (6 classes). These trainees come from internal BPS and BPS partners throughout East Java.

Later, the officers who have attended this training will carry out their duties in the field in May 2018. For that, let us succeed PODES2018 data collection in East Java by receiving PODES2018 officer and provide information with truth.

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