May 7, 2018 | BPS Activities
Training on Regional Potential of Village Potential Processing (PODES) 2018 was held at Crown Prince Hotel on May 7, 2018 to May 10, 2018. Head of IPDS BPS East Java Province, Thomas Wunang Tjahjo representing East Java Provincial BPS Head (Teguh Pramono) this Regional Intrakational Training of Potential Villages Processing (PODES) 2018. In his speech, Head of BPS of East Java Province gave a message to the trainees that in order to provide statistical data of Potential Village data collection (Podes) 2018, good data processing is needed. Good data processing must go through the stages of planning and preparation of activities one of which is the preparation of Human Resources (HR) that can understand the business data processing and able to operate the equipment Information Technology (IT) used in processing PODES 2018 is optimal, so the processing data can run as planned.
The training was attended by 43 participants consisting of organic BPS Regency / City of East Java and organic BPS East Java Province. The National Instructor (Innas) in this training is Edwin Erifiandi from East Java Province BPS.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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