SUTAS2018 Data Processing Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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SUTAS2018 Data Processing Training

SUTAS2018 Data Processing Training

May 9, 2018 | BPS Activities

Located at Santika Hotel Jemur Sari, Surabaya, April 30, 2018, Head of BPS-Statistics Jawa Timur, Teguh Pramono, officially opened the Training of Responsible Data Processing of Agricultur’s Survey between Census 2018 (SUTAS2018). The implementation of the SUTAS2018 Data Processing Supervisory Training is combined with the Training of Data Processing Officer of Rice Grain Conversion to Rice (SKGB) 2018 and Data Processing of Micro and Small Industry Survey (IMK). In his speech, the Head of BPS-Statistics Jawa Timur gave a message to the trainees that data processing is a continuation activity of the process of updating and field enumeration. For this purpose the series of activities should be carried out with the best and follow the data processing mechanism that has been set.
The training was attended by 97 participants consisting of organic BPS Regency / City in Jawa Timur and organic BPS-Statistics Jawa Timur. 97 participants were divided into 3 classes, with each class loaded about 33 participants.
The Data Processing Training of SUTAS2018, SKGB2018 and IMK was conducted for 5 effective days, 30 April on 5 May 2018. After this training, the trainees were tasked with briefing the editing coding of SUTAS2018 processing personnel.
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