Inauguration of Administrator, Supervisor and Librarian Officials in the BPS Office of Jawa Timu Pr - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Inauguration of Administrator, Supervisor and Librarian Officials in the BPS Office of Jawa Timu Pr

 Inauguration of Administrator, Supervisor and Librarian Officials in the BPS Office of Jawa Timu Pr

October 29, 2018 | Other Activities

The inauguration of the Administrator, Supervisor and Librarian Officials in the BPS Office of Jawa Timur Province was held on Monday, October 29, 2018. A total of 10 officials in the province of Jawa Timur included 2 administrator officials, 7 supervisory officials, and 1 librarian functional official directly appointed by the Head of BPS Jawa Timur Province, Teguh Pramono.
List of names of officials appointed:
1. Drs. Adenan, M.M. as Head of BPS of Probolinggo City, Jawa Timur Province
2. Ir. Harini student, M.Si as the Head of BPS in Ponorogo Regency, Jawa Timur Province
3. Insaf Santoso, S.ST., M.Si as Head of BPS Population Statistics Section of Jawa Timur Province
4. Suzatmo Putro, S.ST., M.Si as Head of the BPS Social Statistics Section of Sidoarjo Regency, Jawa Timur Province
5. Yoyok Eko Cahyono, S.E., M.Si as Head of the BPS Social Statistics Section of Nganjuk Regency, Jawa Timur Province
6. Akhmad Hidayat, S.T. as Head of BPS Statistics Production Division of Bondowoso Regency, Jawa Timur Province
7. Muhammad Agung Zulkarnain, S.T., M.Ap. as Head of BPS Production Statistics Section of Sampang Regency, Jawa Timur Province
8. Ahmad Iswardi, S.E. as Head of Administration Subdivision of Jember Regency, Jawa Timur Province
9. Ali Subagiyo, S.T., M.M. as Head of Administration Subdivision BPS Pasuruan City 10. R. Arief budi setyono, A.Md. as an Advanced Librarian, BPS, Jawa Timur
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