The visit of the head of the Representative Office of the BKKBN jawa Timur Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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The visit of the head of the Representative Office of the BKKBN jawa Timur Province

The visit of the head of the Representative Office of the BKKBN jawa Timur Province

February 20, 2020 | Other Activities

Head of East Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan, received a visit from the head of the Representative Body of the National Population Planning Board (BKKBN) of East Java Province, Mr. Drs. Sukaryo Teguh Santoso, M.Pd, at the East Java BPJ office, Wednesday (20/2).

This visit was in the context of friendship as well as in preparation for the 2020 Family Data Collection to be held in June 2020. Family Data Collection was held in six Provinces. While for the provinces of West Java, West Kalimantan, West Sumatara, and East Java do not cover all regencies-cities. Ie, only about 1.5 million households cover 450 villages.

In 2020 the implementation of the Family Data Collection in 2020 was almost the same as the implementation of SP2020. In the 2020 Family Data Collection, 56 variables will be collected, while the 2020 Population Census only includes 21 variables. Data on the results of the Family Data Collection in 2020 will be used to intervene in the Family Planning program and its output is to calculate the Family Development Index.

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