Visit of the BPS Deputy for Social Statistics monitors the development of the SP2020 in Jawa Timur - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Visit of the BPS Deputy for Social Statistics monitors the development of the SP2020 in Jawa Timur

Visit of the BPS Deputy for Social Statistics monitors the development of the SP2020 in Jawa Timur

February 27, 2020 | BPS Activities

Thursday (27/2) Deputy of Social Statistics BPS of the Republic of Indonesia, Margo Yuwono, visited East Java Province in order to see the activities of developing the 2020 Population Census in East Java Province.
During the visit, he took the opportunity to meet with the Head of BPS District / City Social Statistics Section in East Java and the BPS Team of East Java Province Public Relations to share experiences on the implementation of the 2020 Population Census in the District / City and also provide guidance regarding these national activities.
In his directive, he stressed that there was a great need for Population Census, especially the Online Population Census, to overcome respondents who were difficult to be touched by the Census Officer. In addition he asked the Regional BPS Office to remain focused on the SP Online target segmentation.

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