Coordination Meeting for Submission of DIPA, Allocation of Transfers to Regions, Village Funds (TA 2 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Coordination Meeting for Submission of DIPA, Allocation of Transfers to Regions, Village Funds (TA 2

Coordination Meeting for Submission of DIPA, Allocation of Transfers to Regions, Village Funds (TA 2

November 30, 2020 | Other Activities

The Covid-19 Handover of DIPA Coordination Meeting and Transfer Allocation to Regions and Village Funds (TA 2021) Covid-19 Control Efforts, the Implementation of the Simultaneous Regional Elections in 2020, and the Covid-19 Vaccine Socialization by the East Java Provincial Government was held in Grand City Surabaya, Monday (30 / 11). The Coordination Meeting was attended by Regents / Mayors in East Java, the head of the OPD of East Java Province, as well as Representatives of Heads of Vertical Agencies in East Java Province.
The DIPA Submission Agenda was carried out to 14 high-ranking leaders from various agencies, one of which was the East Java Provincial Statistics Agency where the Head of East Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan, received DIPA directly from the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa. This year's DIPA submission was carried out earlier than usual to support efforts to prevent the spread of the Covid19 virus.
In line with the coordination meeting agenda, namely in the context of controlling the spread of the covid-19 virus, before entering the room, all coordination meeting participants are required to undergo a rapid test, including all high-ranking officials present.
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