Utilization Desa Cantik and One Indonesian Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Utilization Desa Cantik and One Indonesian Data

Utilization Desa Cantik and One Indonesian Data

May 4, 2021 | Other Activities

In order to improve the quality of service to data consumers, BPS East Java Province invited the Chairman of the Ombudsman of East Java Province to provide refreshments to all Heads of BPS-City Districts in East Java.
Event with the theme "Utilization
Beautiful Village and One Indonesian Data for Optimizing Public Services for East Java Province 2021" held in the third floor hall while still prioritizing health protocols, Tuesday (4/5).
At the same time, the event also held a Socialization on the Utilization of the Statistic Love Village (Desa Cantik) by the Head of the Village Community Empowerment Service (Dinas PMD) and a Socialization on the Utilization of One Indonesian Data by the Head of the Communication and Information Technology.
With this activity, it is hoped that all work units of BPS Regency City in East Java will further improve the quality of service to the community.
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