PTTUN Surabaya visit to BPS Jawa Timur Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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PTTUN Surabaya visit to BPS Jawa Timur Province

PTTUN Surabaya visit to BPS Jawa Timur Province

May 31, 2021 | Other Activities

BPS East Java Province received a visit from the State Administrative High Court (PT TUN) Surabaya, Monday (31/5) in the context of consultation on the preparation of the Integrity Zone Development Towards WBK/WBBM at PT TUN Surabaya.
In preparation for the Integrity Zone Development Towards WBK/WBBM, PT TUN Surabaya asked for support, guidance, as well as direction from the BPS East Java Province which has received the WBK predicate from the Kemenpan RB in 2017.
In the discussion, the head of the General Section of the BPS East Java Province, Hadi Santoso, conveyed the need to fulfill the completeness of the supporting documents for the Evaluation Worksheet (LKE).
Meanwhile, the Coordinator of the IPDS Function of the BPS East Java Province, Thomas Wunang Tjahjo, said that technically the things that need to be prepared include the bottom line is "the point that must be pursued is customer satisfaction".
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