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Statistical Corner and Beautiful Village Collaboration

Statistical Corner and Beautiful Village Collaboration

Statistical Corner and Beautiful Village Collaboration

January 26, 2022 | Other Activities

In order to develop Sectoral Statistics, BPS further expands its reach to the village level. Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) is one of the sectoral statistical development programs at the village level. With Beautiful Village, the village is no longer considered an object of development, but is placed as the subject and spearhead of development in improving the welfare of the community.
The Statistical Corner is a BPS program to get closer to university academics with various program activities. One of the statistics corner activity calendars is community service.
On Monday, January 24, 2022, the Head of BPS for East Java Province along with the BPS Statistics Corner team for East Java Province and the Beautiful Village team for BPS in East Java Province along with the ITS Statistics Corner team consisting of the Chair of the Statistics Corner and Academics from the Statistics Department, Faculty of Statistics and Analytica. Data (FSAD) and the Department of Business Statistics, Faculty of Vocational Studies, ITS visited the Batu City BPS Beauty Village Development Team and the Beautiful Village Working Group Team from the Pesanggrahan Village apparatus in Batu City to conduct discussions and learn about the statistical development carried out there. Pesanggrahan Village is in the top 10 Beautiful Villages nationally.
In the future, ITS through the Statistical Corner will create an activity program to support Beautiful Villages in East Java by creating an appropriate curriculum and collaborating with the local government to strengthen statistics in the village.
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