Workshop on practical work lectures (KKP) Collaboration Statistical Corner BPS-ITS & Provincial Gove - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Workshop on practical work lectures (KKP) Collaboration Statistical Corner BPS-ITS & Provincial Gove

Workshop on practical work lectures (KKP) Collaboration Statistical Corner BPS-ITS & Provincial Gove

July 4, 2022 | Other Activities

BPS East Java Province has collaborated with several well-known universities in East Java, one of which is the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS). Several program activities were launched in the Statistical Corner. ITS students can learn about statistics, discussions, questions and answers, statistical consultations from all fields of science. In addition, students can also learn directly the data collection methods carried out by BPS at the BPS office of East Java Province, both basic statistical data and sectoral statistics.

To further enhance the role of the One Data and Statistical Corner program for the East Java provincial government, a collaboration is carried out through the Student Practical Work program. Students of the Statistics Department, Faculty of Science and Data Analytics, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya were deployed through the Statistical Corner to OPD within the East Java Provincial government to support the implementation of SDI principles in East Java. This collaboration program has been agreed by Bappeda as the Coordinator of One Data, the Office of Communication and Information as the data guardian, BPS as the data supervisor, and ITS as the secretariat of the Statistical Corner. It is hoped that this collaboration will provide benefits to each party.
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