Technical Guidance for Compiling DUPAK Computer Institutions - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Technical Guidance for Compiling DUPAK Computer Institutions

Technical Guidance for Compiling DUPAK Computer Institutions

July 11, 2022 | Other Activities

Located at the Madiun State Polytechnic, there was a socialization on the activities of computer institutions to support the Electronic-Based Government System (SPBE) (6/7).
The implementation of technical guidance activities for the preparation of Dupak Computer Pranata at the Madiun State Polytechnic (PNM) by Eko Hardiyanto, SST, M.Si, BPS computer institutions, East Java Province. This activity was attended by all computer institutions within the Madiun State Polytechnic, both by computer administrators at the level of expertise and skill level.
To support electronic-based reporting activities in Tulungagung District, the Tulungagung District Communications and Informatics Service invited all Prakoms throughout Madiun District and organized activities for compiling computer instruments to support SPBE in Tulungagung District.
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