The Development of the Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) in Jawa Timur Quarter II - 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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The Development of the Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) in Jawa Timur Quarter II - 2015

Release Date : August 5, 2015
File Size : 0.41 MB


  • Consumer Tendency Index (CTI) in Jawa Timur in Quarter II - 2015 amounted to 103.88 means the condition better level of consumer optimism compared to the First Quarter - 2015 to reach 100.75. The level of consumer confidence in the second quarter - in 2015 an increase of 3.13 points over the first quarter - 2015. The main cause of the improvement in the level of optimism was driven by the school holidays and expenditure, household consumption before the month of Ramadan, which falls in mid-June 2015.
  • ITK Jawa Timur Quarter III - 2015 was estimated at 114.29 higher than the second quarter - 2015 Jawa Timur Community positive view of the economic conditions that occurred in the third quarter - 2015. The dynamics of fast-moving economy in this quarter peak occurs at the end of Ramadan and the day highway. Moreover, school holidays and increase in grade (school year) also positively impact economic movements in the third quarter - 2015.
  • ITK Jawa Timur in Quarter II - 2015 (103.88) is lower than the national ITK were recorded at 105.22. In contrast to the Quarter II - 2015, in the third quarter - 2015 ITK East Java was estimated at 114.29 above National (112.18).
  • ITK Jawa Timur in Quarter II - 2015 (103.88) finished fifth compared to other provinces in Java. The first position is occupied by DI Yogyakarta at 111.73, followed by Jakarta (109.71), Banten (108.19), West Java (105.67), and the last position in Central Java with ITK at 103.60.
  • Estimated ITK Java Province in the third quarter - 2015, Jawa Timur (114.29) in third place. ITK entire provinces in Java, estimated better than the previous quarter. The highest level of consumer confidence is expected to occur in Jakarta (116.38) and the lowest occurred in Jawa Barat (111.40).
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