Statistics of Wholesale Prices for Several Regencies/Municipalities in Jawa Timur Province 1983 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Statistics of Wholesale Prices for Several Regencies/Municipalities in Jawa Timur Province 1983

Catalog Number : 7103003.35
Publication Number : 35532.8402
Release Date : March 1, 1984
File Size : 1.71 MB


Wholesale Price Statistics are collected periodically by the Statistics Office of East Java Province. This statistical coverage is not for all Level II Regions in East Java but is centered in 5 regions which are centers of trade in blood-producing regions and other data sources that meet the requirements. This Publication of Price Statistics is published for the first time by the Statistics Office of East Java Province, besides that it is also presented as a complement to the Price Index information which is processed by the Central Bureau of Statistics.
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