Environmental Statistics of Jawa Timur 1994 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Environmental Statistics of Jawa Timur 1994

Catalog Number : 3305001.35
Publication Number : 35542.95.01
ISSN/ISBN : 979.487.639.9
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : February 1, 1995
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 3.46 MB


Environmental problems are getting more and more attention day by day, this is natural because there are many impacts. negative and development that destroys the environment. This kind of condition must be treated as soon as possible. Handling environmental damage must be careful considering the problem is very complex, therefore careful planning is needed. This 1994 East Java Environmental Statistics book is one of the contributions to this need. The data presented in this book is a summary of the results from various data sources, both taken from the Census and Surveys conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics, as well as secondary data obtained from the Office/Agency.
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