Village Potential Statistics of Jawa timur Province 2003 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Village Potential Statistics of Jawa timur Province 2003

Catalog Number : 1105014.35
Publication Number : 05510.0215
ISSN/ISBN : 979-724-035-5
Publishing Frequency : Every 3 Years
Release Date : December 31, 2003
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 14.01 MB


By the grace of Almighty God, this book "Potential Village Potential 2003" has been published for the eighth time and a series of Podes data presentation carried out by BPS since 1980. As is the case with previous Podes publications, the data presented in this publication is the result and Podes enumeration conducted on all village or village level governments in the territory of Indonesia. In connection with this series of activities ST2003 enumeration Podes conducted in August 2002 ago. The coverage of Podes 2003 data includes general information on villages, population and employment, housing and the environment, educational facilities, health facilities, nutrition and family planning, social culture, recreation, entertainment, arts and sports, transportation, communication and information, land tenure, agriculture and agricultural tools, trade and industry,village finance, politics and security, as well as information from the village head.

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