Statistics of Foreign Visitor Visa in East Java Year 2005 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Statistics of Foreign Visitor Visa in East Java Year 2005

Catalog Number : 8401011.35
Publication Number : 35000.0503
Release Date : December 30, 2005
File Size : 2.44 MB


Publication of Foreign Visit Statistics in East Java The year 2005 is the end result of Inbound - Outbound Tourism (VIOT) Survey conducted monthly. This publication is intended to supplement tourism information comprising 2005 foreign tourist data specified by the Group of origin countries, the month of arrival, by visa and non visa, the type of visa, and the type of passport which is registered at the entrance of the Technical Implementation Unit at the immigration checking station of the city Juanda international air in Surabaya.

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