Master File Village of Jawa Timur Province in 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Master File Village of Jawa Timur Province in 2015

Catalog Number : 1301002.35
Publication Number : 35560.1602
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 29, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Publications Master File Desa (MFD) Jawa Timur Province in 2015 this is a publication that contains the number, the code and the name of the administrative region in Jawa Timur Province which includes the regency/municipality, regency and village. Data/information presented includes the name of the regency/municipality and subdistrict, and the name of the village / villages along the area code. Source of data used as the basis for updating the Master File Desa (MFD) of Jawa Timur Province Semester II 2015.MFD is a legal product of legislation on the establishment of a new administrative region under the applicable laws in the form of laws /regulations/legislation interior minister/local regulations regency/municipality within a period of one semester (July 1 s/d December 31, 2015).
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