Womens Labor Force Profile East Java Province 2017 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Womens Labor Force Profile East Java Province 2017

Catalog Number : 2303003.35
Publication Number : 35520.1810
Release Date : December 26, 2018
File Size : 2.34 MB


One of the main objectives of development is achieving equality between men and women in all fields. Indicators that can be used to measure development achievements in terms of equality of men and women are the Gender Development Index (GDI) and the Gender Empowerment Index (GEI). In general, the GDI shows an indication of inequality in terms of development achievements between men and women. From year to year, the distance of inequality were decreased. In addition, participation in development also continued to improve as indicated by GEI values. GEI is very much influenced by the role of women laborers in terms of their empowerment and involvement from the economic side, for example how the role of women as manager, professional, administrative, and technician staff and how much women contribute to income from their work. To give an images of ​​the characteristics of female workers in East Java, the publication of the "Women's Labor Force Profile in East Java 2017" was prepared. The data presented in this publication include the characteristics of employment, education level, main employment, and employment main status, and the characteristics of unemployed women workers in East Java. The data source used is the result of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas).
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