Village Potential Statistics of East Java Province 2024 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Village Potential Statistics of East Java Province 2024

Catalog Number : 1105014.35
Publication Number : 35000.24059
Publishing Frequency : Every 3 Years
Release Date : December 18, 2024
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 13.96 MB


and also the challenges faced in the village. The data and information presented in this publication are grouped into three parts, namely: Village Potential, Village Vulnerability, and Village Infrastructure. The Village Potential section consists of information: general village information, population and employment, housing and environment, education and health, social and culture, entertainment and sports, transportation, communication and information, security activities and facilities, economic and industrial facilities, village finance and assets, social protection and stunting, and information on village/sub-district governments. While the Village Vulnerability Section consists of information: settlements in vulnerable areas, environmental pollution, anticipation and occurrence of natural disasters, health problems in the community, social problems, and security disturbances. Then, the Village Infrastructure Section consists of information: education infrastructure, health infrastructure, and economic infrastructure. The data and information presented at the provincial level is an aggregation of district/city level data. Meanwhile, similar publications are also made at the district/city level which are aggregations of sub-district level data. This publication is expected to be a reference material for data and information related to infrastructure and regional potential for development policy makers at the center and in the regions, researchers, academics, and data users in general. Early detection and phenomena of infrastructure availability and potential between regions are depicted in various tables presented in this publication.
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