Inauguration of BPS Statistics of Jawa Timur 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Inauguration of BPS Statistics of Jawa Timur 2018

Inauguration of BPS Statistics of Jawa Timur 2018

March 12, 2018 | Other Activities

On March 12, 2018, BPS of Jawa Timur Province held the inauguration of Statistics Officials. Statistician official who inaugurated as many as 24 employees who come from Provincial BPS and Kab / City in Jawa Timur. For the level of Executed Statistisi Skilled / executed as many as 3 employees; level of Supervisory Statistics that constituted as many as 1 employee; level of First / First Experts Statist who inaugurated as many as 5 employees; the level of Young / Young Statisticians inaugurated as many as 14 employees; and the level of Statistic Experts Madya / Madya who inaugurated as much as 1 employee.
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