April 30, 2018 | BPS Activities
The Agricultural Census is carried out by BPS every 10 years. The last Agricultural Census (ST) was carried out in 2013. The rapidly changing agricultural enterprises following technological developments, seasonal and price changes led to the 2018 Intercensal Agriculture Survey (SUTAS2018). SUTAS2018 is beneficial for the phenomenon of agricultural enterprise changes in 2013 and 2018, projected livestock populations, and other agricultural survey planning prior to the implementation of ST2023.
In Jawa Timur, SUTAS2018 was implemented in 38 districts / cities, spread across 5,047 Census Blocks and 297,529 farm households, and involved 2,433 officers. On-site implementation is scheduled for May - June 2018.
In connection with the implementation of SUTAS2018, BPS-Statistics Jawa Timur Province has conducted SUTAS2018 Officer Training. The large number of participants involved in this great activity made BPS East Java Province break up the training ground into 3 Tranning Centers (TC) for 2 Waves. Wave 1 was held on 19 - 22 April 2018, while wave 2 was held on 23 - 26 April 2018. 3 TC is Magetan, Batu, and Jember. TC Magetan uses the services of 4 hotels, namely Red Hotel, Sukowati Hotel, Red Hotel, and Rejeki Hotel. TC Batu uses the services of 6 hotels, namely Pondok Jatim Hotel, Victory Hotel, Surya Indah Hotel, Zam Hotel, Filadelpia Hotel, and Asida Hotel. TC Jember uses the services of 4 hotels, namely Royal Hotel, Dafam Hotel, Panorama Hotel, and Bandung Permai Hotel.
This training officer will produce reliable SUTAS2018 officers and can generate real field data. The handyness of the SUTAS2018 officer will be meaningless if the respondent refuses to accept them. For that, let us succeed SUTAS2018 by receiving the SUTAS2018 officer and providing the data with the truth. Data from SUTAS2018 respondents is indispensable for development planning in agriculture.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
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