Kemenpan RB Team Visit to Statistics Of Jawa Timur Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Kemenpan RB Team Visit to Statistics Of Jawa Timur Province

Kemenpan RB Team Visit to Statistics Of Jawa Timur Province

October 21, 2019 | Other Activities

Bureaucratic reform is essentially an effort to carry out fundamental reforms and changes to the system of governance, especially concerning institutional aspects (organization), management (business processes) and human resources apparatus. In its implementation, the Ministry of Administrative Reform and Bureaucracy Reform (PANRB) provides an assessment of service units with appreciation and appreciation of the Integrity Zone towards WBK and WBBM. In the Integrity Zone assessment towards WBK / WBBM, there are six aspects of assessment, namely change management, HR management, public services, governance, accountability, and supervision.

One of the goals of Bureaucratic Reform in the Central Statistics Agency is excellent service for data users. BPS of East Java Province is one of the six satker in BPS proposed in the Integrity Zone assessment towards WBBM.

Monday (10/21) Kemenpan RB visited BPS East Java Province to continue the assessment by witnessing firsthand how the implementation of integrated statistical services (PST). In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the RB also wanted to find out more about the innovations in public services BPS East Java Province namely Wedang Suji Applications and BPS Data Corner which has been available on Google Playstore and Chat Services through WhatsApp Dewita.
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