Commemoration Ceremony of the 91st Youth Oath Day 2019, BPS of East Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Commemoration Ceremony of the 91st Youth Oath Day 2019, BPS of East Java Province

Commemoration Ceremony of the 91st Youth Oath Day 2019, BPS of East Java Province

October 28, 2019 | Other Activities

The 91st Youth Oath Day this time took the theme "United We Forward". This theme was taken to reaffirm the commitment that had been built by youths pledged in 1928 in the Youth Pledge. That only with unity can we realize the ideals of the nation.
Youth who have strong character are young people who have moral character and performance character, youth who have faith and piety, with high integrity, honest, polite, responsible, discipline, hard work, smart work, sincere work, and complete. Youth must also have intellectual capacity
and leadership skills, entrepreneurship, and pioneering who are qualified, and young people must have innovation to be able to play an active role in the international arena.
"O young people of Indonesia, the world is waiting for you, strive, give birth to ideas, determination, and ideals, sacrifice and your struggle will never be in vain in changing the world"

The enthusiasm of the youth in looking at and helping to build the world must continue to be a torch of encouragement for the devotion of Indonesian youth in participating in raising the nation and beloved homeland on the world stage.
CONGRATULATIONS 91st YOUTH SUMPAH. Hopefully through this warning we always respect the services of the youth, the services of the nation's founders and the services of our heroes. May Allah SWT - God Almighty, always bestow His mercy and blessing on us all.

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