Evaluation of E-Commerce survey 2020 and the Development of Distribution Statistics for BPS Jatim - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Evaluation of E-Commerce survey 2020 and the Development of Distribution Statistics for BPS Jatim

Evaluation of E-Commerce survey 2020 and the Development of Distribution Statistics for BPS Jatim

December 2, 2020 | BPS Activities

Distribution Statistics Division, BPS East Java Province held an evaluation and coaching event which took place at the Harris Hotel, Malang City.
The two-day activity was attended by 38 Heads of Distribution Statistics in East Java along with Kasi and BPS staff for East Java Province.
Opened by the Head of BPS for East Java Province, Mr. Dadang Hardiwan, the event was also attended by the Head of Distribution Statistics, Mr. Umar Sjaifudin, and the Head of BPS Malang City, Mr. Sunaryo
The Covid19 health protocol is strictly applied during the event, including the results of the Non-reactive Rapid test, physical distancing, the use of masks and faceshields, as well as setting study hours, so that participants' health and immunity are maintained.
Going forward and getting more accurate statistical data, towards one Indonesian data.
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