Governor and Head of BPS for East Java Province Gowes and Bansos in Madiun City - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Governor and Head of BPS for East Java Province Gowes and Bansos in Madiun City

Governor and Head of BPS for East Java Province Gowes and Bansos in Madiun City

December 13, 2020 | Other Activities

Governor Khofifah and Bpk Dadang Hardiwan, Head of BPS of East Java Province Exploring Travel Bicycle Paths, Planting Trees, and Sharing Groceries
MADIUN - The tourist bike path in Madiun City is proving to be interesting. Also, the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa deliberately came to try this route, Sunday (13/12). The number one person in East Java and his entourage cycled on the 10 kilometer tour bike path.
Starting from the Madiun City Hall together with the ranks of the Regional Apparatus Organization of the Province of East Java, accompanied by the Mayor of Madiun, Dandim Kapolres and Head of BPS JATIM Province Bpk Dadang Hardiwan,
 The group went on a trip to the Camping Ground Ngrowo Bening to plant trees and flowers.
The activity was continued by stopping at the Spoor Market to distribute masks and groceries to street vendors, pedicab drivers, and underprivileged people around the Market area. At least, the East Java Provincial Government is carrying 650 food packages. The contents are five kilos of rice, one kilo of granulated sugar, two liters of cooking oil, five instant noodles, and health equipment such as masks and hand sanitizers. At the end of the bike ride, the group had the opportunity to hit the Railway manufacturing factory at PT. INKA.
At each point, the Governor of Khofifah and the Head of BPS of East Java Province did not forget to distribute masks while instructing the public to continue to be disciplined in using good and correct masks. Currently wearing a mask is one of the simple things but has a big impact on breaking the chain of the spread of Covid-19. People can remain productive but safe and protected from Covid-19 if they are disciplined in wearing the right mask.
"These masks give significance to protecting ourselves and others, they keep us safe and productive," he said.
Talk Show on Radio Suara Madiun
The delegation of the Governor of East Java and the Head of BPS of East Java Province also visited the Radio Suara Madiun studio on the sidelines of a cycling trip. The talk show surfaced with the voices of listeners, Suara Madiun., And Trakhir went straight to the residence of the Madiun Mayor's official residence to hand over aid to the East Java Provincial government.
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