A visit from the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of East Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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A visit from the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of East Java Province

A visit from the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs of East Java Province

May 21, 2021 | Other Activities

Surabaya (21/5) Head of BPS for East Java Province, Dr. Dadang Hardiwan, S.Si, M.Si received a visit from the Head of the East Java Province Cooperatives and SMEs Office, Dr. Mas Purnomo Hadi, MM and his team.
The visit was a gathering and discussion of the MSME data development plan to be more up to date. This meeting was also attended by officials of the Coordinator of Intermediate Functions and Statistics at BPS East Java Province. BPS as the builder of sectoral statistics provides reviews, studies and survey recommendations.
During the visit, intense and in-depth discussions were held which led to an understanding between the two parties. It is hoped that this visit can strengthen cooperation between BPS and the Department of Cooperatives and SMEs.
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