MEDALI! Building Capacity and Collaboration for a better National Accounts System - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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MEDALI! Building Capacity and Collaboration for a better National Accounts System

MEDALI! Building Capacity and Collaboration for a better National Accounts System

September 20, 2024 | Other Activities

As a commitment to increasing employee knowledge and skills, today (20/09) BPS East Java Province again held a Media Self-Actualization (MEDALI) activity. With the special topic "Building Capacity and Collaboration for a Better National Accounts System", MEDALI this time presented Chusnul Chotimah and Warisna Endah Fitrianti as resource persons.

The event, which was opened directly by Zulkipli as head of BPS East Java Province together with Nurul Andriana as Coordinator of the Nerwilis Function Team, was attended by all BPS employees of East Java Province. In his opening speech, the Head of BPS for East Java Province emphasized the importance of all BPS employees learning across fields, either through the Warkop LMS or others. In the presentation session, the first speaker explained the SNA concept and the structure of national balance sheets. In the second presentation session, a simple example of calculating Gross Added Value (NTB) was explained, which is the basis for calculating Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) and East Java macroeconomic indicators, especially Economic Growth.

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