Welfare Statistics of Jawa Timur Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Welfare Statistics of Jawa Timur Province 2022

Catalog Number : 4101002.35
Publication Number : 35000.2257
ISSN/ISBN : 2620-4398
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 28, 2022
Revision Date : October 7, 2023
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 19.7 MB


Publication of Welfare Statistics of East Java Province is intended to provide information and an overview of the state of people's welfare in East Java in 2022. Data showing the welfare of the people is sourced from the results of the March 2022 National Socioeconomic Survey which is a household-based survey. As the embodiment of One Data, BPS of East Java Province always provides basic statistical data including People's Welfare Statistics data that is always up to date so that it can be used to support the process of planning, implementing and evaluating development results to run as expected. The National Socioeconomic Survey (Susenas) is one of the surveys conducted by the BPS and implemented regularly every year, which includes data on the socio-economic society and data on people's welfare. All information collected in Susenas includes individual and household information.The information includes aspects of population, health, education, employment, fertility and family planning, housing and household consumption, including socio- economic conditions of households.
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