Welfare Statistics of Jawa Timur Province 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Welfare Statistics of Jawa Timur Province 2023

Catalog Number : 4101002.35
Publication Number : 35000.2355
ISSN/ISBN : 2620-4398
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : December 28, 2023
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size : 13.41 MB


The publication of East Java Province People's Welfare Statistics is aimed at providing information and an overview of the state of people's welfare in East Java in 2023. The data showing people's welfare comes from the results of the March 2023 National Socio-Economic Survey, which is a household-based survey. The East Java Provincial Central Statistics Agency provides basic statistical data which includes People's Welfare Statistics data which is released every year so that it can be used to support the planning, implementation and evaluation process of development results.The data published in the 2023 East Java Province People's Welfare Statistics publication are in the form of tables containing socio-economic statistics in Indonesia and are presented at the provincial and district levels, thereby allowing for comparability between regions. This publication is expected to meet data users' needs for socio-economic data for various purposes.With the publication of this book, it is hoped that the need for statistical data on people's welfare can largely be met. Thank you to all parties who have participated in making this publication possible. In order to improve the quality of Public Welfare Statistics publications and services to users, we expect suggestions and constructive criticism for improvements in the next edition.
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