2020 Population Census Activity Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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2020 Population Census Activity Evaluation Meeting

2020 Population Census Activity Evaluation Meeting

December 7, 2020 | BPS Activities

Located at Convention Hall B, Singhasari Resort Batu, the Opening of the 2020 Population Census Activity Evaluation Meeting was opened directly by the Head of East Java Province BPS, Dadang Hardiwan, Monday (7/11). This meeting was held in order to discuss the results of the 2020 Population Census Activities that have been carried out and the follow-up to these results as well as administrative evaluation. The meeting was attended by the Head of Regency / City BPS, Head of the Social Statistics Section, Head of the IPDS Section, and Head of the Administrative Subdivision of BPS City Regencies throughout East Java, totaling 168 people. Evaluation Meeting activities will be held from 6 to 9 December 2020.
In his direction, the Head of the East Java Province BPS added the importance of utilizing information technology to support official work during the pandemic. Dadang also emphasized the importance of innovation and cooperation of all employees in improving services to the community.
On this occasion, various awards were also presented for the performance of BPS City Regencies in East Java, including performance in the field of Social statistics, Data Processing and Statistical Dissemination, as well as performance in the field of Administration. Also not to forget, the awarding of the most prestigious certificates, namely the Award for Satker with a Corruption Free Area (WBK) and a Satker with a predicate as Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Areas (WBBM) at the Internal Bureau of the Central Statistics Agency. In 2020, the work unit in the BPS of East Java Province with the predicate WBK was won by BPS Blitar City, BPS Jember Regency, BPS Sidoarjo Regency, BPS Sampang Regency, BPS Surabaya City, and Malang City BPS. Meanwhile, the satker with the WBBM predicate was won by BPS Kota Madiun. The awarding of the charter, apart from being an appreciation, is also expected to further increase motivation to further provide the best dedication for the nation and state by providing reliable statistical data for all.
# SP2020
# EvaluationSP2020
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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