Coordination Meeting and FGD Preparation for ST2023 East Java Province - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Coordination Meeting and FGD Preparation for ST2023 East Java Province

Coordination Meeting and FGD Preparation for ST2023 East Java Province

July 21, 2022 | BPS Activities

In order to be successful in the preparation of the Agricultural Census (ST2023), strong coordination is needed between stakeholders, the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of East Java Province held Coordination Meetings and Focus Group Discussions for the Preparation of the 2023 Agricultural Census in East Java regencies/cities.
The activity was held in Malang (July 21-24 2022) with the theme “Recording Indonesian Agriculture for Food Sovereignty and Farmer Welfare”. In addition, this event also aims to strengthen coordination with related agencies/agencies at the provincial and district levels that are the sample of ST2023 rehearsal in East Java.
The RAKOR and FGD activities were attended by the Head of the Central Statistics Agency, Middle High Officials of the Central Statistics Agency, Deputy Mayor of Malang, Assistant 1 to the Malang Regency Government, Main Expert Functional Officers of the Central Statistics Agency, Primary High Officials of the Central Statistics Agency, Head of BPS East Java Province, Head of Regency/City BPS for East Java, representatives of the Office/OPD, Association of Indonesian Farmers Harmony and Association of Indonesian Breeders for East Java, which was opened by the Head of BPS RI Margo Yuwono at Harris Hotel & Conventions Malang.
Also present were Mr. Rusman Heriawan, Mr. Suhariyanto, and Mr. Dudy Sulaiman as presenters at the Focus Group Discussion event.
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