Mister J app won the champion - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Mister J app won the champion

Mister J app won the champion

November 15, 2022 | Other Activities

Mister-J won the 5th selected work in the Public Sector category, in the Identik 2022 event organized by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information.

IdenTIK (Indonesian Entrepreneur Technology and Information) is a development program from ID.UP, a competition forum to explore the potential of ICT products made by the nation's children who are able to show off in the eyes of the world.

This achievement is very proud, because it has to compete with other best works, including Peduli Protect which won the first Chosen Work.

Hopefully in the future, BPS East Java Province can produce even better ICT products.

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