Unemployment Rate Jawa Timur Province in Semseter II 2022 is 5,49 persen - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Unemployment Rate Jawa Timur Province in Semseter II 2022 is 5,49 persen

Release Date : November 7, 2022
File Size : 3.5 MB


  • The number of workforce in August 2022 was 22.87 million people, an increase of 549.87 thousand people compared to August 2021. This was in line with the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) in August 2022 which increased by 1.23 percent points compared to TPAK in August 2021.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2022 was 5.49 percent, down 0.25 percentage points compared to August 2021.
  • The working population is 21.61 million people, an increase of 575.54 thousand people from August 2021. The Trade sector experienced the largest increase in the number of workers, namely 342.87 thousand people, followed by the Agriculture sector which experienced an increase in the number of workers by 102.46 thousand people. Accommodation and Food and Drink Sector; Education Services; Financial Services and Insurance; Mining and excavation; and Water Supply experienced a decrease in the number of workers.
  • A total of 7.81 million people (36.14 percent) work in formal activities, down 1.23 percentage points compared to August 2021.
  • The percentage of underemployed and the percentage of part-time workers fell by 1.71 percentage points and 1.44 percentage points respectively compared to August 2021.
  • There are 624.91 thousand people (1.95 percent of the working age population) affected by Covid-19. Consists of unemployment due to Covid-19 (33.57 thousand people), Non-Work Force (BAK) due to Covid-19 (44.76 thousand people), temporarily not working due to Covid-19 (22.71 thousand people), and residents workers who experienced a reduction in working hours due to Covid-19 (523.87 people).

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