Profile of the Elderly Population of Jawa Timur Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Profile of the Elderly Population of Jawa Timur Province 2022

Catalog Number : 4104001.35
Publication Number : 35000.2343
ISSN/ISBN : 2407-3202
Release Date : November 29, 2023
File Size : 4.62 MB


Increase in the number of elderly or known residentswith the elderly is one indication of successdevelopment in the health sector. Increase in elderly populationgoes hand in hand with increasing life expectancyits inhabitants. From the results of the 2022 Population Projection, it is knownthe elderly population in East Java in 2022 has reached13.97 percent which indicates that the population structure of JavaTimur is classified as an old population. This of course bringsconsequences in the form of potential and internal challengesdevelopment in East Java Province. The elderly population hasdifferent socio-economic characteristics compared to the populationyoung, so it requires special attention for young peoplepolicy makers so that the direction of development can also providemaximum benefit for the elderly population.This publication is published with the aim of providingdescription of the situation of the elderly population in East Java. Datapresented in this publication include demographic conditions,education, health and economic activities of the populationelderly in East Java in 2022. The main data source isused in preparing this publication are the results of the Social Surveyv Profile of the Elderly Population of East Java Province 2022National Economy (Susenas) March 2022 and Labor Force SurveyNational (Sakernas) August 2022.Finally, we would like to thank everyoneparties who have helped make this publication possible. We really areopen to criticism and suggestions aimed atdevelopment and refinement of this publication at a later dateday. Hopefully this publication will be useful for usersdata and especially policy makers in determiningdevelopment direction that protects the interests of the elderly populationin East Java
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