Inauguration of Administrative, Supervisor, Functional and Oath-taking for East Java BPS Employees - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Jawa Timur Province

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Inauguration of Administrative, Supervisor, Functional and Oath-taking for East Java BPS Employees

Inauguration of Administrative, Supervisor, Functional and Oath-taking for East Java BPS Employees

December 29, 2020 | Other Activities

Inauguration and Oath-taking of Administrator Officers, Supervisory Officers, and Functional Officials as well as Oath-taking of Civil Servants (PNS) in the BPS of East Java Province were held on Tuesday, December 29, 2020. A total of 237 officials, including 1 administrator, 37 supervisory officials , and 199 functional officials were directly appointed by the Head of BPS for East Java Province, Dadang Hardiwan. On this occasion at the same time also taking the Civil Servant Oath of nine (9) employees.
Officers who are inaugurated are officials who are affected due to a change in nomenclature, administrator and supervisor officers due to a functional equalization, and functional officers who have passed inpassing. Of the 199 functional officers who were appointed, 186 were the equal functional officers as the coordinator of the statistical function, while 13 were appointed in the framework of the first appointment in a functional position.
A total of 24 officials participated in the in-person inauguration at the BPS of East Java Province and the others participated in the virtual inauguration ceremony via teleconference using the Zoom Meeting application at the respective District-City BPS.
Based on the Regulation of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number 28 of 2019 concerning Equalization of Administrative Positions into Functional Positions, as many as 5 echelon III structural officials in the Central Statistics Agency of East Java Province were appointed to be intermediate statistical functional officials as the coordinator of statistical functions in each of them.
each sector and a total of 182 structural echelon IV officials within the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Java Province were appointed to be young expert functional officials as coordinator of the statistical function in each section. Meanwhile, the Head of Administration for the BPS of East Java Province was inaugurated as the Head of the General Section of the BPS for East Java Province and 37 Heads of Administrative Sub-Section for Regency / City BPS in East Java were appointed as the Head of the General Sub-Section for Regency / City BPS.
In his remarks, Dadang said that whatever his position must be synergized and be more proactive even though he is in a functional position, he must still carry out his duties in each position. Meanwhile, to civil servants who were sworn in, Dadang advised them to work with professionalism, integrity and trustworthiness and be full of honesty and sincerity.
Congratulations to the inaugurated officials and civil servants who have been sworn in. Hopefully this inauguration can create a bureaucracy in BPS that is better, more dynamic, and more professional in the context of realizing good governance in Indonesia and to provide quality data for the nation.
Greetings from PIA.
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